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New Product Alert!

New Product Alert!

Exciting news. We’ve launched a new collagen formula that will be ready in just a few weeks. Introducing, Uplift, a mood-enhancing and anti-glycation formula. 

Soothe your skin and your mood. With 5,000mg marine collagen, daylily extract and GABA to help relieve daily stress anxiety, plus anti-glycation benefits, Uplift helps reverse age-related damage while calming the nerves. 

Our new collagen drink was inspired by the daylily plant. Daylily, or Hemerocallis fulva, is an edible plant known for its medicinal properties, particularly in Eastern medicine. It is native to Asian and is known to produce calming effects when eaten. 

Add Uplift to your morning dietary routine or use mid-day for a mild mood boosting pick-me-up.

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