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Collagen Hydrolysate - The Key to Healthy Skin and Hair

Collagen Hydrolysate - The Key to Healthy Skin and Hair

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, nails and hair become brittle, and stiffening of joints is felt. At the age of 25 our collagen levels reduces to about 1.5 % a year as part of the ageing process. If we supplement our body with natural supply of collagen, it will directly help in keeping our skin, hair and nails healthy, as well as, helps fight joint pain and arthritis.

Clinical and experimental data confirm the importance of collagen hydrolysate in the treatment of degenerative joint disease. Clinical US study documented an improvement in knee function to patients with osteoarthritis of the knee after taking collagen hydrolysate. The same study also showed a significant stimulation of cartilage metabolism. These results confirm findings that have been made through clinical and experimental observations in modern years.

For years, the effect of collagen hydrolysate in the treatment of degenerative joint disease has been investigated. Clinical studies carried out so far clearly demonstrate the positive influence of collagen hydrolysate in decreasing pain and improving joint mobility to patients with osteoarthritis.

Collagen hydrolysate is a special form of gelatine that has the same amino acid structure as collagen and contains especially high concentrations of the collagen-specific amino acids glycine and proline. It may benefit patients who have a family history of joint disease, obese, and who have severe strain on their joints. It may also be recommended for cases of osteoarthritis, and incases of nutritional disorder or too much dieting, Collagen Hydrolysate should be taken to avoid amino acid deficiency. This is taken daily for over a period of at least three months. The best dosage form is a water-soluble. It is recommended that a daily intake of 10 mg collagen hydrolysate for at least three months and if you stop, the symptoms may come back. Once you have benefited the effect of which it gives you, a maintenance dose is taken every other day is recommended.

There is no risk in taking Collagen Hydrolysates because it is hypoallergenic and can even be used a plasma expander. In the case of oral administration, no contrasting findings have been established. Concerns about Collagen Hydrolysate, as a by-product animal raw material, transmitting animal diseases is not founded due to strict raw material control employed by the manufacturing technology and the controls performed by the authorities.

The promotion of collagen hydrolysate research in the area of degenerative joint disease and making these useful information achieved available to doctors, pharmacists, nutritional consultants, and consumers is the objective of the GELITA Group, the leading manufacturer and distributor of gelatine and collagen hydrolysate.

Collagen hydrolysates are extensively used in cosmetic creams, shampoos, and conditioners due to their substantive and moisturizing properties. In dietary supplements, they are used in arthritis remedies and weight loss.

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