Voice of Heivy: Meet & Greet Katie Brueil
By Jill Preston
This week, Heivy is interviewing Katie Brueil, Heivy customer and Miami-based software engineer. She joins us to discuss what it’s like working as a full-stack developer in tech, her love of beauty products, farmers markets and her three awesome pets.

Heivy: Hey Katie! Thanks for being here with us. We’ve never interviewed a software engineer before and are so excited to have you.
Katie: Hey Heivy, good to be here. Big fan of your products.
Heivy: Excellent. So Katie, tell us a little about yourself.
Katie: Well, I’m Katie, I just turned 32 and I’m a full-stack software engineer. Before coding I worked in non-profit arts and as an English as a Second Language teacher.
Heivy: How did you make the switch to tech?
Katie: I was always interested in the world of coding and building programs but decided to dive in full-force right before the pandemic happened. I was itching for a career change so I jumped into a 3 month boot camp. Now I teach and develop applications.
Heivy: Wow, very cool. We know bootcamps are a lot of work, how did you manage to stay healthy during those intense 90 days?

"I needed a quick collagen drink to take between lectures and projects"
Katie: Supplements and smoothies! I learned about Heivy through a friend because I needed a quick collagen drink to take between lectures and projects. My friend recommended it and I’ve been taking it ever since.
Heivy: We love to hear it. What about the drinks made it easy to take?
Katie: Portable and no prep. No mess no fuss. I can just eat it with my usual breakfast.
Heivy: Before the pandemic, quarantine and the bootcamp, was health
and beauty regimens important to you?
Katie: Oh yeah. I’m obsessed with my local Miami farmer’s markets, skin products and trying new makeup. I just tried your Anti-glycation Collagen Face Masks and love how soothing they are. So moisturizing.

"...love how soothing they are. So moisturizing"
Katie: I’ve also been using the new nighttime collagen, which I take right after I finish working to help me wind down.
Heivy: Good to hear! How has life been for you during the pandemic? How are you staying healthy in body and mind?
Katie: I definitely miss a few things but I am making do. Instead of indoor yoga I maintain my routine with virtual workouts and socially distanced outdoor classes. The upside is, I get to spend more time with my 3 pets.
Heivy: Can we see them?
Katie: These are my babies. Staying healthy is about putting good things into your body, but it’s also about surrounding yourself with love. Like these furballs.
Heivy: Agreed. Health comes from internal and external additions.
Katie: Totally.
Heivy: Well Katie, thank you so much for talking to us. Happy coding and future endeavours!
Katie: You too.
If you want to check out more of Katie’s adventures, hop over to @kayseabee on Instagram.